About this course

Artists are visual learners. Studying art by seeing how it's done gives you a pretty good idea where to start exploring the fundamental oil painting techniques in still life painting.

In this class you'll see me paint a still life using traditional oil painting techniques, such as:

  • glazing
  • grisaille (indirect painting)
  • painting in full color.

I'll walk you through every step of the painting process that includes:

  • prep drawing
  • underpainting
  • using grays to neutralize chroma (tube colors)
  • painting in full color
  • painting textures (in a shell)
  • painting glass (in a blue vase)

I also include a step-by-step guide (pdf file) that complements the videos. Download it!

This class is for serious beginners and more advanced students who already have good understanding of drawing in color, and wish to proceed to the next step - oil painting.

This class will give you a very good idea how to paint realistically that will lead you to much better results painting almost any subject in the future. It took me many years of schooling and practice to learn the classical approach to painting that's summarized in this video. Take advantage of this opportunity. Start learning today!

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